Marketing Matters Sep/Oct 2017 ISSUE 58

CLEVER SECRETS OF PR PROFESSIONALS Top PR firm Bell Pottinger, founded by Thatcher guru Lord Bell, has apparently been impressing their client, the Gupta …

RYANAIR MESSES UP AGAIN An estimated 400,000 passengers booked on Ryanair flights have had them cancelled as the company admits that it has mismanaged its …

ANOREXIA NO LONGER FASHIONABLE Unhealthily skinny models will need to start eating properly again if they want to work after Gucci, St Laurent and Vuitton et Dior …

RUIN YOUR LIFE, AND HELP THE TREASURY A proposed reduction in the amounts that can be gambled on high-street located FOBT’s (Fixed Odds Betting Terminals) …

KILLING THE KIDS A 2004 episode of the children’s cartoon character Peppa Pig was banned in Australia for being dangerously spider-friendly but then accidentally aired …

BET HE DOESN’T DRINK IT NOW Carling lager is weaker than advertised, the brewers Moulson Coors have claimed in court. Sold as having 4% alcohol by …

LAMB GAMBOLS OUT OF FAVOUR Sales of lamb have fallen by 25% over the last fifteen years as less families enjoy a Sunday roast, citing a lack of time and …

BIG MAN George Osbourne, former chancellor, banker’s friend, money-lover and editor of the London Evening Standard has been attracting some brickbats for his …

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