Liars, food, BBC bullying, Nazi-style, sexualisation, wine, gambling and hypocrisy – Marketing Matters Sept/Oct 2014 Issue 40

TRUST US? YOU MUST BE JOKING.  An Ipsos MORI poll has found that only 49% of politicians trust that their fellow politicians tell the truth…

MORE FOOD PROBLEMS COMING UP Food fraud is now more attractive to organised crime than trafficking drugs – with the potential profits the same, the …

KEEP KICKING Good to see that the nice people at TV Licensing, collecting the increasingly invidious and questionable license fee for the BBC, continue to get a …

NAZI COWBOYS AT ZARA? From the fashion experts who launched, and withdrew, handbags adorned with swastikas in 2007 comes another gem…

ANTIPODEAN ERROR Encouraging to hear that marketeers at Air New Zealand have finally listened to some good sense from their passengers and belatedly scrapped the…

DELETE MARKETING FOR TASTE EVALUATION  If you really want to find out which wine you like the best, and how much you are being influenced, perhaps unknowingly…

ART AND LIFE We read that Studio City, a new $2 billion gambling, entertainment and retail resort in Macau, has hired director Martin Scorcese to make a short film to …

PR MAN PULLS IT OFF Fascinating to read, in Max Clifford’s book READ ALL ABOUT IT, (Virgin Books 2005) how the celeb’s publicist was so proud of his part in exposing …

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