Marketing Matters May/Jun 2013 ISSUE 32

SPANISH PRACTICES Following a fall of 22% in its British profits for the first quarter of the year, Santander, the bank that likes to say “Yes – unless we change our minds”….

TIME TO STOP THE NAFF One of the least inspiring marketing concepts around, for this old curmudgeon, is that of paid celebrity endorsement….

VILE AD PULLED Proof that some marketeers really were in a meeting when the brains were handed out comes from South Korean car maker Hyundai, which ran….

MORE SUPERMARKET DECEIT Supermarkets deliberately copy the packaging of major brands for their own-label versions, a study by consumer group Which? ….

TESCO FLOP ACROSS THE POND, AND CUT BACK HERE. Tesco, Britain’s biggest supermarket, have lost £1.2billion in a failed attempt to get into the American grocery….

THE DIRTY GAME Meanwhile the murky world of football has scored an own-goal with the revelation that Liverpool player Luis Suarez bites his opponents and that….

MARKETEERS – YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED Some amusing counters to the cold-callers selling over the telephone were suggested in a recent issue of the Daily….

MAX CLIFFORD INNOCENT This is the view of PR practitioner, and kiss-n-tell tabloid story specialist Max Clifford, 70, who has been charged with 11 counts of indecent….

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